Black Friday Survival Kit

Hola Fashionistas!
  This post if for those crazy people like myself that will be braving the crowds Thanksgiving night to score some awesome deals. Here are some things I've learned to bring through the years on these crazy shopping adventures.

  • Pain Killers: You will most likely get a headache after about two hours. Bring advil. You will need it.
  • A Healthy Snack: Super de duper important! Even though you've just stuffed your belly full of turkey your going to want to bring a small snack with, even if you aren't hungry you'll want the energy.
  • Chapstick: I don't know what it is about shopping malls but I always end up with dry skin after staying for a few hours. Lip balm is going to be super important if you want to survive the night.
  • Water: Throw a water bottle in your purse before you go. It'll be cheaper than grabbing a water bottle at the mall and you WILL get thirsty. Stay hydrated my friends!
  • Caffine: Whether its tea, coffee, coke, you're going to need it.
  • Eye Drops/Extra Contacts: You will get dry eyes after staying awake for 16+ hours so these items are going to be a necessity.
  • Comfy Shoes: If you don't plan on wearing decent foot wear then you are definitely a crazy.
  • Fun Friends: Don't brave the crowds alone! Head out with some pals that have good endurance and make the night memorable!  
XX Allie


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Meet The Author

AGE: 16
LOCATION: Minneapolis, MN USSA
OCCUPATION: high school student, restaurant worker
PASSIONS: black coffee, art, graphic design, yoga, photography, fashion, tea with honey, shopping, documentaries, social networking, restaurant hopping, open windows, writing, used books